
For those moments in life when you just need to be held…

Held is a unique 1:1 in person session to gently guide you back to your body and your heart. When we are under stress, anxious, fearful, overwhelmed, feeling sad or depressed our body tries to protect us, this can lead to us being in what's known as “survival mode” and living mostly in our sympathetic nervous system and in a chronic state of what’s commonly known as “fight”, “flight” or “freeze”. Freeze is the survival state which is most commonly seen in women.

In freeze mode, emotions become trapped due to no outlet or opportunity to discharge the energy through the body. Emotions are suppressed and pushed down ultimately causing fracture in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

A prolonged period in survival mode can lead to dis-ease and sickness in the body.

Utilising Nervous System Regulation Practices and Somatic Techniques such as gentle breath-work, sounding, guided touch and movement, Soothing Bodywork and Subtle Seichim Energy Healing, this session aims to bring more calmness, centredness and a sense of containment back into the body.

Held is the perfect option for those in a dysregulated state, stressed, feeling isolated, as a gateway to deeper energetic work or to help integrate more intense experiences such as plant medicine ceremonies or expansive breath-work sessions.

In Person Only
Exchange: £90
| Lower Income Rates and Payment Plans are available

Get in touch to book Held


Personal Ceremonial Healing Session

