1:1 Ceremonial Healing Sessions

In Person Sessions

1:1 In Person Ceremonial Sessions are woven over 3-4 hours, giving us both so much time to allow for creating your sense of safety, sharing and connecting, before even beginning any energetic or hands-on bodywork.  

These sessions can be helpful to;

  • Release and move beyond old patterns, traumas, beliefs and conditioning.

  • Learn how to connect on a deeper level with your body and intuition.

  • Reclaim your sovereignty, sensuality and your power.

  • Come into alignment with your soul's purpose.

We will begin by opening what's known as a “Ceremonial Space”, meaning that we will create a space that is guided and supported by our intentions and by spirit. This can be as simple as lighting a candle, or creating an offering or altar together.

After the session we will share some tea and snacks to help nourish and ground and we will have time to share around what has come up in the session if you wish. 

A pre and post session zoom call is included in the days before and after your 1:1. This means that we can begin to connect beforehand and feel into how the session may unfold. I may give you some prompts or some home exercises to do before we meet in person, like daily journaling or movement.  We can then meet again afterwards to check in on how your integration is going. 

With in person sessions there is an option to work with earth medicines such as cacao, rose etc for an additional cost. This is something we can discuss in the pre-session call. 

Exchange: £250 | Lower Income Rates and Payment Plans are available

Online Sessions

I also offer 1:1 Online ceremony sessions for those that are further afield. Online sessions are done via zoom and trust me, profound shifts can still happen via a  screen!

1:1 Online Sessions are woven over 1.5 hours.

After the session we will have time for sharing.

A pre and post session zoom call is included in the days before and after your 1:1. This means that we can begin to connect beforehand and feel into how the session may unfold. I may give you some prompts or home exercises such as daily journaling or movement to do before we meet in person. We can then meet again afterwards to check in on how your integration is going. 

Exchange: £150 | Lower Income Rates and Payment Plans are available

What’s Included?

The healing session itself will be dependant on your individual needs and weaves a blend of the following;

Somatic Practices eg; Breathwork, Movement and Sound - these can help to move out of the busy, logical mind and into the wisdom of the body - unlocking trapped energy, stored memories and old patterns.

Energy Healing - I work with Reiki, Seichim and Kundalini Activation energy healing, intuitively guided to what is best needed to support your healing. All of these energy healing systems help to reduce physical, mental and emotional stress, re-balance and allow life force energy to flow more freely. 

Shamanic Practices -  such as Extraction Techniques to remove energetic blockages in the auric field, Soul Retrieval to bring back certain essences of the self which may have been lost through trauma or grief, Relationship Cord Clearing, Shamanic Journeying for Power Retrieval and Infusion and Alignment Techniques to help support you back into more vitality, light and your true destiny.

Bodywork (In-Person Only) - Manual Massage, Pressure Point Massage and Cupping Therapy to help release stagnation, tension and weariness in the body.

Regression, Timeline and Parts Therapy - these NLP practices can be great to weave into a session and help to get to the root of a wound or pattern.

Sound Healing - All sessions include Sound Healing using tibetan bowls, tuning forks and chimes to help ground and integrate our journey. 

Creative Art - Art can be a great way to alchemise and integrate and we may work with creating mandalas or earth altars or offerings

Get in touch to book your 1:1 Ceremonial Healing Session.

